my names emily,

I have no idea what i'm doing, but then again who does at the naive age of Sixteen.

Mr Laptop.

Please get better soon,
i am forced to use mums laptop and i can never stay on for long.
It's driving me crazy, ahaha.

I need to get out of this house, dad is driving me insane,
or maybe, i just need my laptop.
yeah, just my laptop.

But, im nerding it up at school.
i love english, we are learning about my favorite - Romeo and Juliet.
I've loved it since i was 5!

My friends

should love me,
i do their homework.

trichotilimania, go away. its 10.11pm

and, i am craving a smoke and a coffee,
but it’s to late to have a coffee, or else i’d be up all night.
and i can not be bothered going outside for a smoke.

i'm tierd of missing people, who don't even bother anymore.
you are making me depressed!

my addictions

Okay, well,
I have a few addictions,
Caffeine, Craving A's, Twitter, Tumblr, and anything faux fur.

Thought I'd share it with you;


i need a singing buddy!
i know ive got tallent but i hate singing alone, ha!
anywho, if you can sing, call me.
oh god that sounded like the worst pickup line ever.

And anyone who has goood taste in music,
download, Grizzly bear - ready able.
and Grizzly bear - two weeks!

sweet 16?

So, this year i am obviously turning 16. which is great, mums letting me get my nose pierced for my present, and finally 16 yay.
but.. the decision that's baffling me is weather to have a party or not,
I'm not a party person, sure they're fun to go too, but.
I'd rather, grab my close friends, chill at the beach then come home and crash at my house!!!
hmmm, have to have a think about it.

Good morning emily.

Hm, just got out of bed, and received a call from my lovely brother.
He always calls me, and just asks' how I'm going, and always tells me he loves me!
It woke me up,
I'm really lucky, really lucky. And I'm taking to many things for granted, i should of learnt my lesson the first time!
Have a hard think about it, anyone you love, loved or just someone who means something to you, could be here one moment and gone the next.
Seriously, think about it.

what if i say..

You know, i seriously hate it, when you change, as in yourself, as in myself.
okay to make it easier,
i think ive changed, fuck i hate it!!!!
'cause i didn't want to, but situations make you change, and now im so fucking selfish!
It's really bad.
or maybe im just thinking too much.
ah i cant even bare myself anymore!
and right now the lady on tv is pissing me off.
fist to face.

Sweet talker

Damn these boys and they're ability to give girls butterflies by saying one simple word.
I don't know what it is, but it's good!
I like not knowing.


I love tom morgan and jay hackney.
no seriously..
i do
and im a corny fuck but, they are my betsfriends,
love em,
always make me da happi.


ew, i think he's cute. He has hot lips and sexy teeth, yum.

Okay kinda buzzzzzzzzed for this year now.
16 soonish. and i want new relationships!
I'm excited.
And now i feel like watching Romeo and Juliet.
it's actually not all that bad, but i think I'm to stubborn to let people tell me that...all well :)

Tomorrow I'm working for 4 hours. Come visit me.

Before we go to far I wont let you take this light...

I'm really sick...
No, i'm serious.

Justin Nozuka & Pinup Girls

Okay, how cool;

And, I think Mr.Nozuka is inspiring everyone, look at this. If you don't know the song Blue Velvet Sea, then you won't get it, but i got excited when i saw it.


Today i spent a glorious thrift shopping!
Oh how i love vintage stores, i bought these pink ankle-tweet shoes for $35!
how good is that!
And i spent $65 on a open back synthetic black dress, amazing.
and then i spent a further $20 on a black lace cropped top, once again amazing.
I think shopping is a huge release for me, i love it.
and i love having a thing called money!

mm vampire weekend on vinyl - I need to buy that.

Whore's don't trip...

Okay, this is a touchy subject but it is playing on my mind lately after i read this quote book, so here it goes;
The definition of a slut is "an individual who is sexually promiscuous"
If a girl, has sex with her boyfriend, sorry guys but she is not a slut.
If a girl is on her corner every Friday night on St Kilda road waiting for Mr Bigg to come along, then yes, then she's probably a slut.
Girl's in general seriously need to stop calling each other that name,
firstly, 'cause they aren't even using it in correct terms,
secondly, 'cause they don't understand the meaning, and finally because the more girl's say it to each other, the more housebound it becomes and before you know it, it's going to be okay for males to call females sluts'. I don't think so.

Also, girl's aren't generally good friends too each other, most of the time we are intimidated by each other but we're all to stubborn to admit that, and if we find out that shes had any relation to a boy we automatically label her as a slut. We've all done it! But I've never heard a boy say to a girl
- " Oh you like to have sex? you dirty dirty whore"
Girls, we need to get the fuck over it.

You can't look into those eyes, down no telephone line

No matter how public a conversation is, i was taught, if you don't have something nice to say, you don't say it at all.
I don't care how much he/she says they love you, i was here long before you were, and I'll be here when you are long gone. Please don't make me hate you, i hardly know you, and that would be rude, but if you are that inconsiderate to hurt someone close to me like that. I will kill you. tweet too much.

The best possible thing in life, is having your bestfriend live across the road from you. The shinanigans that we get up too are hilarious, and we finish eachothers sentances like a 'corny asian couple' but she seriously has a twitter addiction, she tweets everything, here if you may share the same problemo -
anywho, i love her and her socks.



I’ve realized a lot lately that I get bored with myself quickly, and when I’m not amused, I fall back into old habits, like they say “old habits die hard” and I guess I’m just another piece of living proof that, that phrase is oh, so, very true. I think it’s possible that I’m over being on holidays, ‘least school stresses me out enough that it sort of keeps me sane. School and sane in the same sentence, how odd, but it’s true.
I’m just bored with my life in general, and it’s a new year, a new start - so to speak. I just don’t want people to leave, i don't want people to change.
If anyone has to change this year, let it be me.